The minister of communion assists in distributing the Body and the Blood of Christ at Mass. By his or her eyes, smile, and gentle serving of consecrated bread and wine, the Minister of Communion tells us this is a very special event. The minister can make us feel good to be present at this feast and remind us that our communion with the Lord is also communion with one another.
The Lector or Minister of the Word is one who proclaims the Bible readings to the assembled faith community. The Lector enters a deeper relationship with the Word of God as revealed in sacred scripture. The Lector gives voice to God’s healing and strengthening word. The Lector, in a very real sense, becomes a prophet - one who speaks for God.
Altar are young men and women who assist at the altar. They carry the cross or candles in procession, hold the book for the prayers of the priest and assist in preparing the altar for the celebration of the Eucharist. Anyone young man or woman in grade 3 on up can become an altar server.
Ushers welcome people and assist in many ways at Mass, They seat people, address emergencies that might develop during the Mass, take up the collection, direct communion flow, and distribute bulletins after Mass.
Greeters also welcome a greet people as they enter for Mass. With a warm smile and greeting, they make everyone - visitors and regular members - feel welcome.
Brings the Eucharist to the home-bound or others who cannot attend weekend liturgies. The Ministers of Care also visit local nursing homes weekly and as needed.
Prays over the intentions and prayer petitions placed in our "Prayer Vase" which is located at the base of the Tabernacle pedestal in our Church's Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Anyone can place a petition or prayer intention in the vase and it will be prayed over by our group.
The ministry of music at Our Lady of Peace is a strong part of our Eucharistic celebration. We have several choirs: The Resurrection Choir, Children's Choir, Thoz Peeple, Family Time, the Men's Choir, Mixed Choir and our Cantors.
Anyone who loves music or can play and instrument are most welcome to be a part of our music ministries at Our Lady of Peace.
Two to Six women are present at every funeral to place the pall on the deceased's coffin. This ministry shows the care and concern of our Parish Family for those who are grieving and our deep respect for the person who has died. The pall signifies the resurrection of Christ and the promise of eternal life given to us when we received our "white garment" at Baptism.
A luncheon is served following in the church hall following all funeral Masses by women of our parish family. This social time after a funeral allows the family to be together and receive support from one another and our parish.
Sewing gowns for infant baptisms is another of our many parish ministries. Each handmade gown represents the uniqueness of the individual child.